Wellbeing at Work, part of Livewell Southwest, provide three programmes to businesses and communities in Plymouth – Wellbeing at Work Awards, Wellbeing Champions, and Wellbeing Training. We also provide Free NHS Health Checks, networking opportunities, an annual Plymouth Wellbeing Connections Event as well as bespoke training offers, workshops and information on the latest health and wellbeing campaigns.

Why improve health and wellbeing in your workplace?
Labour Market Statistics show that 75.5% of adults are in employment, this means that on average adults are spending a third of their waking hours in the workplace.
With that, it is recommended by The Office of Occupational Health Improvement Disparities (OHID) that all workplaces promote and ensure the health and wellbeing of their employees.
As evidence suggests, good work is good for health and that a bad working environment, characterised by low levels of job control and organisational fairness and a high effort-reward imbalance, may contribute to poor health.
How can we help?
Sign up for our Wellbeing at Work Awards programme to make health & wellbeing part of your organisation’s culture. Make a positive impact on employee mood by joining other Plymouth businesses embracing staff wellbeing.
Positively impact the health and wellbeing of employees in your business or community by becoming a Wellbeing Champion. Help influence positive change by promoting physical health and mental wellbeing messages.
Individuals, communities, and businesses can access professional, accredited Wellbeing Training. Most of our courses are free and are offered either face-to-face or virtually. Additionally, we provide bespoke courses tailored to the needs of businesses and communities within Plymouth.
Join free workshops on MS Teams with third-party organisations to learn the latest news and guidance on healthy lifestyles and wellbeing.